History of Indonesian Government System

History of Indonesian Government System

Sisitem Government of Indonesia 1945-1949

In general , any deviation from the provisions of the 1945 Constitution , among others :
Change the function of the central committee of the Indonesian national presidential aide be assigned legislative power bodies and helps to define who is an authority Assembly Guidelines .
The occurrence of changes in the presidential system into a parliamentary cabinet cabinet proposal by BP - KNIP .

At this time , state institutions mandated by the 1945 Constitution has not been established , since 1945 at this time can not be fully considering the situation in Indonesia that has been preoccupied with the struggle for independence . Thus , in accordance with Article 4 of the Transitional Provisions in the 1945 Constitution , established the Central Indonesian National Committee ( KNIP ) . This committee is the forerunner in the Indonesian legislature . It is based on Notice No. X Vice President on October 16, 1945 , it was decided that KNIP entrusted with legislative power , because the MPR and DPR has not been established . So that on the date of 14 November 1945 Semi - formed Cabinet Presidensiel ( " Semi - Parliamentary " ) first , so this event is a change in the system of government in order to be considered more democratic .

In terms of the history of the system of government prevailing in this period is the presidential system of government , but as of the date of 14 November 1945 , Sukarno as head of government was replaced by a republic Sjahrir , in other words, the system was changed to a parliamentary government . Political reasons for changing the Presidential system of government from becoming Parliamentary triggered because a week before the change of government , The Hague announced the basic plan. Sukarno rejected this while Sjahrir announced on December 4, 1945 that his government accepted this offer on the condition that the Dutch recognition of the Republic of Indonesia .

Business Investigation Agency Preparation of Indonesian Independence ( BPUPKI ) which was formed on April 29, 1945, the Agency for the 1945 draft . During the first session , held from May 28 to June 1, 1945 Ir.Sukarno convey the idea of ​​" the State " , named Pancasila . Then BPUPKI form a small committee consisting of 8 persons to enhance the formulation of the State . On June 22, 1945 , 38 members of the Nine BPUPKI form a committee consisting of 9 people to design the Jakarta Charter which will be the opening of the 1945 manuscript . After the removal of the phrase " with the obligation to carry out Islamic sharia adherents " the text of the Jakarta Charter into the 1945 opening script that was ratified on August 18, 1945 by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence ( PPKI ) . Ratification of 1945 was confirmed by the Central Indonesian National Committee ( KNIP ) which convened on August 29, 1945 . Indonesian 1945 draft composed during the Second Session of Independence Preparation Business Investigation Agency ( BPUPK ) . The agency name without the word " Indonesia " because the land is designated for Java. In Sumatra there BPUPK to Sumatra . The trial period of two dates July 10 to 17 , 1945. Dated August 18, 1945 , endorsed PPKI 1945 as the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia .

Indonesian Government System Year 1949-1950

At this time the Indonesian government system is a parliamentary system of government , which meganut multi-party system . RIS is based on the constitution , the rule is applied when the parliamentary cabinet system of pseudo ( Parliamentary Quasy ) . Please note that the system of government which the constitution adopted during the parliamentary cabinet RIS is not purely because of the pure parliamentary system , Parliament has a decisive position against government power .

Holding of changes in the form of the unitary state of Indonesia became the country 's unions are a consequence of the receipt of the results of the Round Table Conference ( RTC ) . These changes are outlined in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS ) . This is due to the intervention of the United Nations facilitated .

The realization of the existence of the UN intervene in the above conference , namely : - Indonesia is a state of RIS - RIS intent Indonesian Sumatra and Java - Indonesia region and scaled in it - RIS has the same status as the Netherlands - Indonesia is part of the RIS that includes Java , Sumatra and East Indonesia .

In the RIS there are the following points :
1 . The government has the right to rule or martial law TJ
2 . Emergency Law has no power over the Federation of Law
Under the Constitution RIS which embraces the parliamentary system of government , the legislature RIS divided into two rooms , namely the Senate and House of Representatives .
Indonesian Government System Year 1950-1959

1950-1959 era is an era where the president Sukarno ruled using the constitution Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia in 1950 , in which period lasted from August 17, 1950 until July 5, 1959 . This period is a time of expiration of the State of Indonesia is federalist . Foundation is the Constitution RIS '49 '50 substitute constitution . Government system is a parliamentary cabinet adopted the liberal democracy that is still apparent. The characteristic - ciriny are :

a. President and vice president can not be contested .
b . Minister responsible for government policy .
c . President the right to dissolve the Parliament .
d . Prime Minister appointed by the President .

Starting from August 15, 1950 , the Constitution of the State of Republic of Indonesia ( Provisional Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia , Law no. 7/1850 , No. LN . 56/1950 ) was approved by the House and Senate RIS . On the same date anyway , the House and Senate RIS hold meetings where the charter was read a statement aimed at the formation of the Homeland :

1 . Dissolution RIS formally federated state ;
2 . Homeland formation that covers the whole area of ​​Indonesia with the Provisional Constitution which came into force on August 17, 1950 .

Provisional Constitution of this is the adoption of the Constitution RIS which experienced little change , particularly with regard to changes in the form of a union state to state unitary state .

Between 1950 - 1959 Indonesia using a system of parliamentary government in 4 years there have been 33 times the turn of the cabinet ( Feith , Feith 1962 , 1999) . After the unitary Republic of Indonesia (RIS ) became the Republic of Indonesia ( Republic of Indonesia ) , Indonesia began to embrace liberal democracy system where the system is a parliamentary form of government so that the prime minister directly responsible to the parliament ( DPR ) which consists of party forces . Members of the House numbered 232 people consisting of Masjumi ( 49 seats ) , PNI ( 36 seats ) , PSI ( 17 seats ) , PKI ( 13 seats ) , the Catholic Party ( 9 seats ) , the Christian Party ( 5 seats ) , and Murba ( 4 seats ) , while the remaining seats distributed to parties or individuals , that none of them get more than 17 seats . It is a structure that does not support a strong governments , but it is generally believed that the party structure would be simplified if the elections are held .

After the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia held a variety of efforts to draft a new Constitution by establishing a Constituent Institution . Constituent institution is the institution entrusted with the task of forming a new constitution . Constituent Assembly entrusted with the task of drafting a new constitution as mandated by the Provisional Constitution of 1950. But until 1959 this body has not been able to create a new constitution . Then President Sukarno 's Guided Democracy convey a conception of the House of Representatives election results that contain the idea of ​​returning to the 1945 Constitution .

Indonesian Government System Year 1959-1966

As the formation of a constituent entity in charge of making and preparing the new Constitution as mandated in the 1950 Provisional Constitution of 1950 , but until the end of 1959 , the agency had not yet succeeded in formulating a new Constitution , until the end of President Sukarno issued a decree on July 5 , 1959. Bung Karno with the support of the Army , announced a decree July 5, 1959 . Contents ; dissolve the Constituent Board and return to the 1945 Constitution . Since 1959 until 1966 , Sukarno ruled by decree , denying the elections and declared himself president for life , and formed the Assembly and the DPRS . The system is applied during the presidential system of government .

July 5, 1959 Presidential decree is a decree which put an end to the parliamentary period and used the return of the 1945 Constitution . After this period , commonly called Guided Democracy era . Its contents are :
1 . Re- enactment of 1945 and Provisional Constitution of 1950 are no longer effective
2 . dissolution of the Constituent
3 . Formation of the Assembly and DPAs

Since 1959-1966 , Bung Karno apply guided democracy . All members of DPR-GR and the Assembly appointed to support government programs that are more focused on politics. Bung Karno strive lead political parties into NASAKOM - national ideology , religion and Communists . The three main pillars of the political party representing NASAKOM is PNI , NU and PKI . Bung Karno inflame USDEK Political Manifesto . He sought support from all NASAKOM strength . Guided Democracy era is a collaboration between the power of the bourgeoisie with the communists failed to improve Indonesia's economic system , instead what happens is the decline in foreign exchange reserves , inflation continues to rise uncontrollably , bureaucrats and military corruption is rampant , so the peak is known as PKI rebellion rebellion G 30 S / PKI . In addition , the president has absolute power and maketh a tool to eliminate the powers that prevented that fate is determined by the president's political party ( 10 recognized political parties ) . There is no freedom of speech . Under the 1945 Constitution , the position of the President is under MPR . However , the fact is contrary to the 1945 Constitution , because the Assembly is subject to the President . President determines what should be decided by the Assembly . It is evident by the presence of the president to appoint the Chairman of the actions the Assembly is held by Deputy Prime Minister pengagkatan III and vice chairman of the Assembly are chosen and led by the major parties as well as representatives of the armed forces , each of which serves as the minister who does not lead the department . President of the Assembly also established by Presidential Decree No. . 2 of 1959 . Such action is contrary to the 1945 Constitution as Based on the 1945 appointment of members of the Assembly as the highest state body has to go through a general election so that the parties are elected by the people to have the members who sat in the Assembly . MPRS members appointed by the President with the terms : Agree back to 1945 , Loyal to the struggle of the Republic of Indonesia , and Agree on Political manifesto . Membership of the Assembly consists of 61 members of the House of Representatives , 94 regional representatives , and a representative group of 200 people . The task of the Assembly is limited to set Outlines of State Policy (Guidelines ) . YEAR 1966-1998 Constitution never interpreted the same as a single - executive system , according to provisions of Article 4 to 15 and served as President and Head of State and Head of Government . Between 1966 to 1998, the prevailing system of government for the state integralistic with immense concentration of power in the president ( too stong presidency ) . Suharto's New Order was born with the determination to make corrections in the era of the old order guided . But over time many deviations . Suharto's resignation on May 21, 1998 . In 1968 , the Assembly was formally inaugurated Suharto for a 5 year term as president , and he was later inducted back in a row in 1973 , 1978 , 1983, 1988 , 1993 , and 1998 . Basically the system is in place at this time is the presidential system of government . In this period , the House is under executive control . Presidential power has been deemed too big to turn off the process of democratization in the country. Parliament as the legislature is expected to perform a balancing function ( checks and balances ) in practice only as a complement and decorate the constitutional structure which is intended only to reinforce the position of the president who was held by Suharto .

Indonesian Government System 1998 - now

This period is a period where it has berakhrirnya New Order regime and the beginning of the reform period . Post-New Order 1945 has been amended four times . Since 2002 , with the enactment of the Constitution 's fourth amendment , applicable presidential system . The position of the Assembly as the supreme and sovereign state as the embodiment of the people removed , and the legislature is set to be bi -cameral body with greater powers ( legislative stong ) . 2002 Constitution amendment has given rise to new complexities in the executive and legislative relations , when directly elected president and a large popular support is not able to effectively run the government because it does not have the full support of the coalition parties a majority in the House . Such political gridlocks have expected and therefore to be avoided by the designers of the 1945 , nearly six decades ago , so it ended up not choosing a presidential system as a system of government for the newly independent state of Indonesia . ( Setneng RI , 1998, and Kusuma , FH - UI , 2004) . After the Assembly endorsed the third and the fourth amendment of the 1945 Constitution , the system of government Indonesia turned into a presidential system . The amendment stipulated by Article 1 ( 2 ) a new constitution . MPR is no longer a manifestation of the people and not the locus of power , the highest state sovereign institutions . Section 6A paragraph ( 1 ) establishes " the President and Vice President elected as a pair directly by the people " . These two articles show clear characteristics of a presidential system fundamentally different from the norm staats listed in the Preamble and described further in the 1945 Explanation . Implementation of Pancasila democracy in the reform era has provided the space for the political parties and the Parliament to oversee the government critically and justified for a rally. System administration after amendment (1999 - 2002) :

· The assembly was not the highest institution again .
· The composition of the Assembly consists of all members of the House of Representatives plus the Council elected by the people .
· The President and vice president elected by the people .
· The President can not dissolve the House .
· Legislative power is more dominant .

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